
璞,母应春*,苏 伟,杨娟娟,王涵钰,赵

(贵州大学酿酒与食品工程学院,贵州贵阳 550025



中图分类号:TS213.24    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-506X202101-0061-0006

Optimization of Preparation and Quality Analysis of Sweet Potato Leaves Bacca Sedge Noodle

ZHENG Pu, MU Ying-chun*, SU Wei, YANG Juan-juan, WANG Han-yu, ZHAO Chi

School of Liquor and Food Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang Guizhou 550025, China

AbstractSince ancient times, noodles have always been the staple food on the table of Chinese people. With people's attention to nutrition and health, it is difficult for a single noodle to meet people's health needs. In this paper, sweet potato leaves and bacca sedge are mixed with proper amount of flour and added with proper amount of egg white to make sweet potato leaves bacca sedge noodles. Single factor and orthogonal experiments were carried out on the addition amount of sweet potato leaves, bacca sedge powder, salt and guar gum. The sensory evaluation was carried out from six aspects, namely, color, apparent state, palatability, toughness, viscosity and taste of the noodles. The influence of various factors on noodle quality was analyzed, and the rate of noodle breaking and loss was measured. The results showed that the best preparation process of sweet potato leaves bacca sedge noodles: Based on the quality of high-gluten flour, the added quantities of bacca sedge powder, salt, sweet potato leaves and guar bean gum were 20%, 2%, 15% and 0.4%, respectively. This research provides technical support for the development of nutritious and healthy noodles products.

Keywordsnoodles; orthogonal test; sweet potato leaves; bacca sedge; process optimization; quality analysis










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247